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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Joran, Where Are Your Sneakers?

I hope Greta ask Joran why were his sneakers even off his feet to be left at the beach. Then, why did he leave them? If nothing happened why didn't he have time to put them back on? Even if his ride came, why didn't he tell his ride, wait I need to get my sneakers?

Even if Joran didn't "murder" Natalee, he had something to do with her disappearance. If not him then His father Paulus did it.

Pauis and Anita didn't want him to do the interview with Greta. Yes, even his lawyer.

Is Joran so psychom he thinks he is smarter than all the police, lawyers, and viewers?

The ABC Primetime Interview Offers Nothing New

American viewers are being given the opportunity to hear Joran van der Sloot, “up close and personal” on PrimeTime on ABC. The interview, which has received much promotion, and conducted by Chris Cuomo, offers nothing new to anyone following the Natalee Holloway case.
It’s another opportunity for Joran and his family to present their side of the night Natalee disappeared. But, it is a familiar story. He claims they were together, cuddled, left her on the beach. He offers his remorse for leaving her, but contends he did nothing more, and knows nothing more about what happened to her.
While there is always value in actually hearing from those directly involved in an investigation, viewers, who have not followed the case, will be hard pressed to determine from this interview what is truthful and what is not.
For Aruban investigators, the interview and the tape of Joran gambling with Natalee and her friends, offers nothing of new value.
It has always been known that:
1. Joran met her before Carlos and Charlie’s.2. He was the last to be with her.3. His claims he left her alive.
Investigators were not aided by the civil case filed by John Kelly. The information presented was based on some facts, conjecture and anecdotes. All of what was known and claimed to the Aruban investigation team.
All of the competing agendas are not yielding any information that will further the investigation in any obvious manner. The agendas include:
1. The Holloway Twitty need to pressure the van der Sloots and continue to impose pressure on Aruban authorities through a carefully orchestrated media campaign.
2. The efforts of the van der Sloot family to reclaim the image of son Joran and force his exoneration by the Dutch courts.
3. The publicity needs of book agent Larry Garrison on behalf of David Holloway’s upcoming book.
4. The continuing need of US cable programs to use the story to hold onto slipping viewer interest.
All of these agendas do not coincide with the direct efforts of the investigation team to continue to put together a case that will point to what actually happened to Natalee Holloway and whether or not someone is criminally responsible for her disappearance and probable demise.
In that regard, efforts continue to construct the case, including an expected renewal of excavation of a plot of land in the dunes by the Lighthouse.

Civil Suit has no impact on Aruba Case

The filing of a civil suit by the Holloway-Twitty family against Joran and Paulus van der Sloot does not alter the case of the prosecution in Aruba. In fact, the suit has no new information to add to the investigation.
The suit’s allegations are a mix of known events, facts, and anecdotes that are unsubstantiated. And there is no reference to witnesses or corroboration for most of the charges. Still, the standards of proof in a civil case are less than in a criminal proceeding.
The suit seeks to establish New York as the city of jurisdiction and compel Paulus and Joran to testify in the case, if a New York judge agrees to the jurisdictional claim. New York attorneys like Mickey Sherman, an experienced litigator in those courts, believes it is unlikely jurisdiction will be granted, or that if granted the case will be accepted.
In any case, a civil case cannot compel the van der Sloots to return to New York to appear. Nor is it clear that if the case is accepted, and a judgment imposed, that under Dutch law it will hold force in Aruba.
While John Q. Kelly is best known for his civil case in the OJ Simpson case, where he successfully represented the victim’s family, this is hardly analogous.
O.J. was charged with murder, tried, and acquitted. In this case, charges have yet to be brought, the investigation is continuing, and no judgment to guilt or innocence has been made.
So, while this suit made for great drama and moved the case back into the public’s eye, it has not offered any new evidence or insight into the conduct of the investigation in Aruba.

Van Der Sloot and Holloway Twitty Families Battle Over GMA Interview

The highly promoted interview with Paulus and Anita van der Sloot brought nothing new to the investigation of their son Joran’s involvement in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. In fact, ABC’s Good Morning America had to agree to enough strigent conditions in the interview that it could only be what it was, a parents’ support of their son.
The family has always contended that Joran’s only flaw was leaving Natalee, alive he said, on the beach that fateful night. So they had an opportunity to repeat that to a national audience, after being promoted in a SuperBowl promotion. ABC never intended to make news with the interview, only to drive an audience to the Good Morning America program at the start of their February rating period.
Also as expected the Holloway Twitty family forcefully denounced the couple for their views and offered again that Paulus himself had a role in the disappearance of their daughter. Attorney John Kelly remarked that Joran is and has always been the key to finding out what happened that evening.
In sum, a ratings grabber used to good advantage by both ABC and the van der Sloots. But, it brought nothing new to the understanding of what happened the night she disappeared.
Investigation Continues
As reported over the last weeks, the investigation continues along the lines projected by the prosecution. The Alabama teens were questioned and the results are now in investigators’ hands. Other witnesses in Aruba have come forward, some have been re-interviewed. A dig by the dunes at the Lighthouse did commence. And files have been reviewed in Holland by Karen Janssen.
Also the prosecutor assigned by Theresa Croes, Attorney General, is completing an independent review of the case to be presented to the prosecutor.
All of this suggests an attention to detail and a firm commitment to compile all evidence and testimony in the hope that a case can be constructed to present to the court.
A “wait and see” mood by the Holloway Twitty family
Unlike other periods in the course of the investigation, the Holloway Twitty family seems prepared to “wait and see” what results from this current phase of the inquiry. There is much less acrimony, no talk of boycotts, and attorney John Kelly admits he is getting the briefings he needs to inform the family.
Only Beth Twitty, herself, seems intent, when at a loss for any new information, to ask viewers to call their representatives to pressure Aruba. She continues to claim that such pressure will somehow acclerate the process. Even her attorney, always calm in the center of this storm, has backed away from such efforts, because he sees that work is beng actively pursued to come up with a case.
Still, the level of acrimony and the sense of anger has been diluted by the aggressive pursuit of the case by prosecutors.

Bush: Locked out of Cheney's Secret Reindeer Games

Bush going to veto any legislation against Dubai Port Deal that he saud he heard about 4 days later?

Bush was late on Katrina. There is a video out thats shows he knew and knew in details. Even Brown said there would be a catastrophe within a castastrophe.

He was late on Cheney shooting while drunk.
He nominates Harriet Miers who looked uncomfortable being there. She smiled pretty.

Bush's "slamdunk " Iraq War is turning horribly wrong. I notice that Bush is now making this a War to give the Iraq people democracy they didnt ask for. This war was suppose to be about WMD and terror. So when did the emphasis change?

I am shocked that Christian Republicans would support a man, s christian, a President who is so far out of the loop and tells lies. For them to support this president and not tell him the truth and even allow him to tell lies to the citizens of America, they don't deserve to be reelected. If they should call Bush on his lies NOW, its not for the Americans but to save their political skin. That is being disingenuos. If they had done their jobs before we wouldn't be mired in the tawdry mess that is Bush Adminstration.

How much incompetence are we going to tolerate from this aministration and Congress? How long?

Is Bush locked out of those secret meetings Cheney holds?

For an adminstration talking tough on Nationala Security, it is LATE at every juncture and President Bush is looking like an idiot. Do you really feel safe?
Dies Cheney lock Bush out of those secret meeeting on "National Security"?

Cheney and His National Security

So, Vice President Cheney, a man who uses national security to hide every decision, every meeting, every dirty trick he can, has again moved one of his drinking bouts.

Dan Riehl Got His Boxers In A Knot Again

Let me repeat something real fucking fast. Knock offthe bullshit all around. I'll send a gotdamned Christian Scientist to your door and YOU don't wantthat. Now stick to the topic and leave thepersonalities OUT of it. Everyone.OUT!Posted by: Dan Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 11:08PM

President Bush Offered a Challenge

President Bush has put forth a challenge tonight that I simply can’t ignore. The president yesterday said he wanted those who are critical and questioning of this port deal to “step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a Great British company.”
Well, first of all, Mr. President, to equate any country to your principal partner in the coalition ignores that special relationship this country’s enjoyed with the United Kingdom for decades and decades. This also is not just a British company and an Arab company, as I think you well know.
Peninsula and Oriental Steam Navigation is a British privately owned company. Dubai Ports World is a UAE government controlled and owned company. You see the difference, of course.
And furthermore, the money used to fund the 9/11 attacks, most of it, in fact, was sent to the hijackers through the UAE banking system. In fact, two of the hijackers were originally from the UAE.
The UAE stonewalled U.S. efforts to track al Qaeda bank accounts after 9/11. In addition, the Emirates does not recognize Israel as a sovereign state. And the UAE was a transfer point for shipments of nuclear technology to Iran, North Korea and Libya.
And if those aren’t good enough reasons, I would just suggest I’m at a complete loss to offer what might be considered good reasons.

Bush and Dubai Ports

Bush allows firms to dictate security at our ports. Isn't that like letting the fox decide whoch chicken it wants to eat.
Congress Ed Markey introduced a bill to have 100% if the containers inspected. Shot down. Shot down before the ink was dry.

Is Congress still living in the pre 9/11 era as Rove said of Democrats?
Bush, Chertkoff, and Rumsfeld said they didn't know anything about this deal.
Who is running things?

Bush said he would veto any legislature against this deal which he said he didn't know about until it hit the news stands.

Who is the president? Hello? Do we have an informed president or just a lemming?

Is Bush still living in the pre 9/11 era as Rove said of the Democrats?

Bushitarianism: defined as policing every aspect of public and private behavior while doing it all in secrecy in the guise of democracy /religion and protecting USA from terrorism

Bush and Hurricane Katrina Video

Bush is shown on video tape being briefed about Hurricane Katrina and its destructive path.
Bush, 4 days, said "I don't thin anyone could have anticipated a breach of the levees. " Michael Brown can be heard saying he believed in his gut the levees would be breached.
Brown can be heard telling Bush not enough disaster teams.Also Brown was concerned about a catastrophe within a catastrophe.

Does this reborn Christian, who is George Bush, ever tell the truth?