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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Who Owns Our Debt?

We have borrowed alot of money from the Saudis, so if this deal on Debai doesn't go through will the Saudis as for their money? Is this why Bush is vowing to veto a deal who said he doesn't know anything about?

Do you think that Bush is afraid the Saudis will call in the debt? Is that intimidation by the Saudis or fear by Bush?

If its intidation by the Saudis, isn't that like terrorism? In order to keep the Saudis from dumping our debt we have to open our ports to them and let terrorist in.

If this is fear by Bush isn't that being LAX on Terrorism?

Why did Bush let his middle manager decide this HOTBED deal without consulting him?

Bush is showing his and his administration's incompetence. How low can it go?

Will Cheney Retire After Mid Term Elections?

It's trial balloon time: the conservative magazine Insight, published by the company that puts out The Washington Times, has the latest now-it-can-be-told by our-sources report suggesting Vice President Dick Cheney could bow out after the mid-term elections.And it seems this story is linked to Cheney's upcoming legal problems, with the "i-word" being raised. Bottom line: it sounds as if some are nervous about what the rest of the year holds for Cheney and want to extricate the White House and GOP from him.

This story qualifies as a classic message-sender/trial balloon story.Clearly, some faction within the White House is trying to send out a message to Cheney (Time to think about packing your bags and PLEASE take that shotgun with you when you go) or to Republicans (We may be going down in the polls so low now that weeds are starting to grow around us but if we Dump Dick we can reinvigorate the White House AND get a fresh-face in place who will then have a good chance to win in 2008).But make no mistake about it: this isn't likely a story that was invented by a refugee from a tabloid. It's a send-em-a-message story:
Vice President Dick Cheney is expected to retire within a year.A pretty definitive statement. It means the source is a good one.
Senior GOP sources envision the retirement of Mr. Cheney in 2007, months after the congressional elections. The sources said Mr. Cheney would be persuaded to step down as he becomes an increasing political liability to President Bush.Could the initials be DB or KR? But it's "senior GOP sources" so could it be BF? Or even GHWB?
The sources reported a growing rift between the president and vice president as well as their staffs. They cited Mr. Cheney's failure to immediately tell the president of the accidental shooting of the vice president's hunting colleague earlier this month. The White House didn't learn of the incident until 18 hours later.Translation: Cheney aide Mary Matalin might want to start sending out her resume ASAP. The White House is not pleased about how Cheney's wounding a hunting friend played out.
Mr. Cheney's next crisis could take place by the end of the year, the sources said. They said the White House was expecting Mr. Cheney to defend himself against charges from his former chief of staff, Lewis Libby, that the vice president ordered him to relay classified information. Such a charge could lead to a congressional investigation and even impeachment proceedings.The key here is that LAST phrase: there are fears (at least in the part of the White House or GOP where the magazine's source works) that Cheney will face impeachment hearings.
"Nothing will happen until after the congressional elections," a GOP source said. "After that, there will be significant changes in the administration and Cheney will probably be part of that."And now the speculation will begin on who Bush will pick to replace Cheney. One of the more peculiar aspects of our democracy that still seems rooted in royalty is that the presidential party's political candidate or the President gets to handpick the Vice Presidential candidate or new Vice President. The party and Congress invariably ratify it.

read more here http://www.themoderatevoice.com/posts/1141114674.shtml

Congress Slapped State Department

CONGRESS just slapped the State Department hard over its willful failure to put the nations safety ahead of sucking up to the Saudies.
The new Homeland Security law enacts stricter visa controls people wishing to gain entry to the United States from one and only one country: Saudi Arabia. The only folks who lobbied against that policy were State Department officials, who often do the bidding of the Saudi royal family.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com ...

Lobbyist Turns Senator but Twists Same Arms

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 — It might be said that Senator John Thune went through the revolving door — backward.

As a lobbyist in 2003 and 2004, Mr. Thune earned $220,000 from the Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern Railroad, a small but ambitious company in South Dakota. The railroad hopes to rebuild and rehabilitate 1,300 miles of track, the nation's largest proposed railroad expansion in more than a century.
Now, as a junior senator from South Dakota, Mr. Thune is working to make that happen, raising questions about whether there should be curbs on lobbyists-turned-lawmakers in the same way that there are on those who take the more traditional route of leaving Capitol Hill for K Street.
Last year, his first in the Senate, Mr. Thune wrote language into a transportation bill expanding the pot of federal loan money for small railroads, enabling his former client to apply for $2.5 billion in government financing for its project. The loan has yet to be approved; Mr. Thune said he was trying to promote economic development in his home state.
"I don't apologize, and never will," said Mr. Thune, a Republican, "for working for South Dakota companies that are creating South Dakota jobs."

There are no legal restrictions on the legislative activities of former lobbyists who get elected to Congress. But in the wake of the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal and the subsequent focus on ethics, Mr. Thune's experience has put a spotlight on what some experts call "the reverse revolving door."
The issue is among those likely to be debated on Tuesday, when the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration meets to draft changes to the lobbying law. Senator Mark Dayton, Democrat of Minnesota and a member of the rules committee, is furious with Mr. Thune over the rail project, and intends to propose language imposing a two-year ban on lawmakers' getting "personally and substantially" involved in matters affecting former clients.
"This makes some of the Jack Abramoff deals look like penny ante," said Mr. Dayton, who has a prominent constituent, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., that is fighting the rail expansion. "It's the most despicable special-interest deal I've ever seen in all my 30 years in government."
Independent experts do not go that far, and Mr. Thune, a former House member and former South Dakota state railroad director, has a long history with railroad issues. Yet some outside experts agree with Mr. Dayton that a cooling-off period for former lobbyists is necessary.
Currently, lawmakers and Congressional aides are barred from lobbying former colleagues on Capitol Hill for one year after leaving public office. On Tuesday, Senator Trent Lott, Republican of Mississippi and the chairman of the rules committee, is expected to propose legislation that would go further, rescinding House and Senate floor privileges for former lawmakers who become registered lobbyists.
Mr. Lott's bill does not address the issue of lobbyists who get elected to Congress. But Keith Ashdown, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a government watchdog group, said lobbyists-turned-lawmakers should step aside from legislation involving former clients.
And James Thurber, an expert in money and politics at American University in Washington who has testified before the rules panel, said candidates should not lobby for a year before Election Day.
"If they're going to be running for the Senate or the House they should not be lobbying right up to the election," Professor Thurber said, adding: "The conflict of interest is too serious. In a representative democracy, you have to be very careful about cutting off the linkages to specialized interests while you're in office, as well as just before you get in office and after you leave."
According to public records and a list compiled by Professor Thurber, at least eight current members of Congress worked as lobbyists before being elected. Some, like Mr. Thune and Representative Dan Lungren, Republican of California, became lobbyists during a hiatus in public service.
Mr. Lungren, a former House member and California attorney general, worked as a lobbyist from the late 1990's until he returned to the House in 2005. Mr. Thune, who retired from the House in 2002, began lobbying after he lost his bid for a Senate seat that year. He continued through 2004, when he ran again and won.

read more here http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/28/politics/28lobby.html

James Zogsby Playing the Race Card

James Zogsby, founder of Arab-American Institute, doesn't want bigotry against Arabs but where was he for Blacks or Afro-Americans, or even the Mexicans of this country? Oh yes thoseethnic groups don't count as they don't own anything. Then either he is against bigotry all together or he is against bigotry where he is paid by some to denounce it. Back to prostitution.

Republicans Fury

Bush Admistration has done things in such away as to tell Republicans do it like the Administration wants or its the highway. For the longest the Republicans have followed keeping in step with the beating drum. Now they are rebelling.

Bush is losing support of the Republican Party.

Bush has done many things without keeping the senior Republican leaders apprised of its doing. Cheney loves secrecy and Bush is a lackey to that secrecy.

Republicans are now hearing from their constiuents and the sounds heard aren't soft and comforting. Republican leadership is much like prostitution. Seeling their support to the best paying "john." The Republicans are going to get a AIDS from their johns. They need to stop selling theor votes. Some have thats why the furor.

Sen Susan Collins, chairman of Senate's homeland security is one who is furious over this deal as most Americans.

Bush Is Scaring Us on Homeland Security

For George Bush to be president, he knows very little that is happening in his Administration. Bush came out to say he would veto on the Dubai Ports deal, but admitted a day later he didn't know anything about the deal. How can that be?

Bush has drummed into us he is HARD on Terrorism to gain support on his "slam dunk" Iraq War. We fight terrorism over there so we don't fight terrorism here. However, now He is inviting terrorism in this country by allowing Dubai to own or operate our ports. Who is Bush working for US or the terrorists?

It is being played out over and over, Bush got the job not because he was competent but because he was a rich man's kid. Bush level of incompetence shows new lows.

Bush hides behind he didn't know.

He didn't know about about Katrina.
He didn't know about the Dubai Ports deal.
He didn't know about Cheneys "drunken" shooting incident.

Bush is now saying that if the deal doesn't go forth then we lose the airspace for our planes for Bush's Iraq War in Dubai. Isn't this blackmail?

That we would lose an ally. Isn't that blackmail?

Dubai used to support al Queda. Whose to say Dubai wouldn't retyrn to supporting this organization?

Bush is PUTTING the fox in the chicken coop.

NSA Surveillance Scandal

Democratic Senate Judiciary Committee members send U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a list of six (6) questions in advance of the Committee’s February 6, 2006 hearing concerning the NSA’s surveillance authority, including requests for all documents and correspondence between President Bush’s Administration and Congress from September 11 through and including September 14, 2001 concerning “the Authorization for Use of Military Force.”

see more here http://news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/nsa/djudgonz12706ltr.html