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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bush and Dubai Ports

Bush allows firms to dictate security at our ports. Isn't that like letting the fox decide whoch chicken it wants to eat.
Congress Ed Markey introduced a bill to have 100% if the containers inspected. Shot down. Shot down before the ink was dry.

Is Congress still living in the pre 9/11 era as Rove said of Democrats?
Bush, Chertkoff, and Rumsfeld said they didn't know anything about this deal.
Who is running things?

Bush said he would veto any legislature against this deal which he said he didn't know about until it hit the news stands.

Who is the president? Hello? Do we have an informed president or just a lemming?

Is Bush still living in the pre 9/11 era as Rove said of the Democrats?

Bushitarianism: defined as policing every aspect of public and private behavior while doing it all in secrecy in the guise of democracy /religion and protecting USA from terrorism


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