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Friday, February 24, 2006

Joran was Baited With Money

so who is working against the Vandersloots/that person told that Jroan would be in New York to do this interviewso John's lawsuit took the wind out of the sails of Joran interviewand gave more impetus and sweat factor for Paulus.Do you think ABC paid Joran for the interview?seems rather dumb for Joran to do an unterview inless he though he was toosmart to be caughtI can believe his father would say no body no case and allow Joran to dothis interview with advice.Unless they are desperate for money.Aruba being sued by Paulis when Aruba allowed him and his son to get awaywith murder.Then notice Joran said there is no girl to say he drugged or raped them...he didnt say he didnt do it just that there was no girl to say itwas this a subliminal message to would be witnesses? or the girls?Any American who goes on Royal Carribean or Aruba...and something badhappens to them after these cases...well I wont say what I am thinking....oki willthey deserve it....damn this is a wakeup call.busineeses would rather protect their name and money than to seek the truthand justice.

Here's my take and I'm thinking out loud here. lol
Someone in Aruba grew tired of the Natalee Holloway case being ignored. They've been watching JVDS and knew that he was coming to the US. They knew that J Q Kelly represented Beth...that person contacted Kelly and told him about the VDS's travel plans...that set this entire thing in motion. And the civil suit? What a brilliant move by Kelly.
Was JVDS paid for the interview? I say yes...plus his air fair was paid by ABC and Nancy Grace said his hotel room was paid for by ABC.

So the little smuck came to America to clear his name. bahaaaaaaaa what a buffoon.


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