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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Cheney's shot heard around the world

Unscrupulous liberals are now claiming that alcohol might have been involved in Cheney's tragic hunting accident. They are saying that there is something suspicious about the 22-hour delay between the time the incident occurred and the time it was reported, claiming that he may have needed that time to sober up before talking to the sheriff's deputies. They are also trying to make hay out of the fact that Cheney acknowledged he had had a beer at lunch and that he consumed a quick cocktail right after the accident, as if to conceal the fact he had been drinking while hunting. These wild-eyed critics even have the temerity to suggest that Cheney's two convictions for drunk driving may indicate that he has a drinking problem of long standing. Don't fall for these liberal lies, people.Be assured that your vice president was cold sober when he whirled around and blasted his 78-year-old hunting buddy in the face with a shotgun.

I do believe Cheney was drunk when he shot that man. Why else for the delay? Cheny said he wanted to find out the facts or how the man was doing. However, did he ride in the ambulance with the man he shot? Was he pacing in the corridors awaiting word of the man's condition? If Cheney is so concerned, why would he be home with another cocktail instead of at the hospital drinking water?

People, Cheney is spinning another lie. Why is everyone ready to believe Cheney's accounting when ANYONE with half a brain knows that isn't how shootings are handled?


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